nothing much

Listening to: REM
Feeling: adored
Not really much to report. I just figured I would update since I haven't in FOREVER. But then again, lately I don't really have time...PLUS my computer is jank once again and my wireless isn't working--therefore Megan has no internet and that makes her sad. I don't really have anything to rant about 'cause minus school (which sucks for most people) everything is going pretty well. OH~ I got in a car accident the weekend before last. I wasn't paying attention to the road (aka: changing my cd or something of that sort) and I drove off the to side, freaked and overcorrected, spun once and landed myself in the ditch on the other side of the road. Luckily no cars were around me to hit and the ditch was grassy and muddy, so it absorbed most ofthe blow. My car and I were ok ('cept for a sore neck for about 3-4 days) but I was really scared. Two cars stopped to see if I was ok and one of them called the state patrol to check on me, GIVE ME A TICKET! and tow my car out. They give tickets for everything I swear. Is it not enough for me to be totally freaked out by getting into an accident??? guess not. :( Oh well, at least I'm ok and my car is fine, just a little dent in one of the doors. Alright, well I need to finish this registration packet so I can register for classes next semester. Woo fun. Fall in love with a smile--I HAVE :)
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Why does my mouth water even when I see an image of Skittles?!

Damn it. And all their fruity tastes.
i love the new layout meggy!! is that picture taken by steve? lol,you look cute. see you at thanksgiving maybe! i hope!! Love, nicole!