
Why is it that the one day you have what seems like a million things to do, you sleep in late? Schedule for the day: class 10 (missed 'cause I woke up late) turn in drop class pink slip class 11 wonderful wonderful break 12-3 class 3:10 tutor session 4-5 tutor session 5-6 review session 6:30-? hip hop practice 8:30-? hw hw and more hw for the rest of the night boo to the above I am not longer a very big fan of wed. Quote from Lauren's away message: If someone has good news and bad news for you, always take the good first. Because you could totally die before you hear the 2nd one. And that would suck... "Bad news."...BAM...You're Dead. the joys of friendship :) fall in love with a smile
Read 4 comments
wait a second, wait a second.
didn't your tag line used to read "fall in love with MY smile"?????
i swear it did.
it's like my whole word is .....
turned upside down. i feel so discombobulated, like a bobblehead doll. what am i going to do with my life if you change your tag line????
entry dated Dec 7, titled "almost done!!" says
"fall in love with my smile :)"
i win.
whoop whoop