I don't know.

Feeling: bittersweet
It started out when you told me you told me not to cry but it wasn't of sympathy no, not even of apathy and I wasn't aware that I was a lie Out of faux apathy you asked me "what's wrong with you? what's wrong with us?" I replied "I don't know" well "I don't know" was my way of saying "everything" and I became aware that I was a lie Everything I knew became false hope you left me that night and I never thought I'd see you standing on the doorstep in tears But I helped you, didn't I? I brought you in, sat you down, told you why it wasn't nice to lie and you became aware that you were a lie "I don't know" meant I'd never have to face the lies you were telling the lies that became my life and i'd never have to tell you why "I don't know" meant "everything" because you believed me so and until we die living stays a lie I'm going to pull a you-know-who. I hate when people fake apathy to get more friends. I HATE WHEN PEOPLE AGREE WITH SOMETHING THEY DON'T LIKE JUST TO GET MORE FRIENDS. I hate when you tell me i'm not good enough when YOU DON'T KNOW THE HALF OF IT. @#$%^&*. I HATE WHEN YOU DO KNOW THE HALF OF IT AND PRETEND I AM JUST AS GOOD. NO I'M NOT. JUST STFU KTHX. Image hosting by Photobucket I HATE WHEN YOU TELL ME I CAN MAKE IT IN LIFE WHEN WE KNOW THERE IS NO FXCKING WAY IN HELL I COULD MAKE IT PAST A COMMUNITY COLLEGE. I RUINED MY LIFE AT THE AGE OF SIXTEEN. I'M DEALING WITH IT, NOW YOU CAN TOO. DON'T EVEN LEAVE ME A COMMENT TELLING ME THAT IF I PICK IT UP I'LL DO BETTER. THAT WILL NOT HAPPEN AND THAT'S JUST GOING TO MAKE ME MORE ANGRY. WITH YOU AND MYSELF. Okay i'm good. Image hosting by Photobucket It's better to face these kinds of things with a sense of poise and rationality. 1:42AM
Read 3 comments
Feeling angry isn't fun :-/, I know. Well look at it this way; going to any college at all is better than none. You also don't have your parents harassing you like mine do.

Highschool sucks, but only one more year. Just try to get through this year. Next year won't be as hard.

I was gonna see if you wanted to do shit this weekend, but I know ash is home and figured you'd wanna spend time with her. Ten days until I fix my car. < 3
Kyn just try to stay positive like cara said any college is better than any. your very smart you know that.just try to work hard the rest of the yea
where is your posture?