I feel horrible. Not right now. But when I do feel horrible, I feel horrible. Right now i'm just kinda like "I should get to bed". And you think i'm psycho because i'm going on about nothing. But no.
I feel bad for not updating on Quizilla. First off, you're all like 'what is that?'. Well, it's a website. Where you can post things such as quizzes, poems, journal entries, and what I do - stories.
Next, you're like 'what do you mean?'. Well, I mean I haven't updated my stories until probably the end of April. Maybe even before that. And I feel horrible. Because even though I have very few readers, I know what it's like to get pissed off when you're favorite reader doesn't update their story often enough. Although, i'm probably not anyone's favorite reader. I'm just saying.
Then, you're like 'what do you post on this so called Quizilla website?'. Well, I post fanfiction stories. You think i'm weird now. That's okay, even my mom says i'm not normal.
So now you're like 'well you're weird'. Yes, I am. I can't help it. I love writing. And fanfiction is just something I can write about. It's fun to write about someone you look up to or idolize. That you're a 'fan' of. That's where the 'fan' in fanfiction came from. And i'm not going to say i'm great, but i'm a pretty good writer. Don't get me wrong, I can write other things besides fanfiction, I just think it's more fun to write about people you already know exist.
But yeah I just feel horrible. Every day I keep saying to myself "i'll totally get another part up from that story when I get home". And you know what? I don't do it. I just end up going on myspace and here and other such websites. And then I get conveniently tired and nap for the rest of the day. I don't wake up until eight something at night. Then, my mom is usually on the computer until ten. And after that I just don't feel like it.
But that's me, I guess. Always making up excuses. But, my excuse now is that i'm lazy. Isn't that what you want to hear? Isn't that the truth? Then it isn't much of an excuse, is it.