She lied to me. I don't know if it was because her plans suddenly changed or what. But I didn't appreciate it. She told me she was going to her friend's bar for a drink. While i'm sitting in Dysart's with Kris, Car, and Margs, Dustin calls me and tells me that she's out to dinner with him. And i'm just thinking "jflk;djsakl;fjdfdsa".
And I know at this point it can't be just for sex. She's seeing a therapist because of this. She gets fucked over in every single relationship because she doesn't know how to pick the right guy. She feels like she needs to help them. She doesn't. She needs to leave them alone to help themselves. She needs to pick someone who won't treat her like shit.
He's such a dickface to her. She knows it. He's called her every name in the book. Flips out on her if she does anything to upset him.
They were in an argument and he said something about me being suicidal. SOMEONE had supposedly told him about this because he doesn't know shit about me. I'm pretty sure I know who it was. Well she comes home upset and goes straight to her bedroom. I went in to talk to her and she started crying and was just looking at me. I asked her what was wrong and she told me what he said. That made me really angry. EVEN IF I WAS he had no right to say that to her just to use in spite during their argument and get her all upset like that.
AND I HATE when people say they KNOW what it's like. The worst part of their relationship was last spring and summer. THAT was when she would come home at least twice a week crying because of him. Yelling at me because she was angry with him. NO ONE ELSE WAS THERE. They have no idea what it was like. They didn't see her like that. They didn't have to help her like I did. They didn't have to put up with shit because of her being upset with him. I was the only one who saw her like that.
You know though. She thinks i'm being selfish when I say I don't want her with him. She thinks i'm just saying that because I want her all to myself. Though I didn't like how she was gone every single night at his house from the time she got out of work until 9PM, it hurt even more to see her like that. No one else had to witness that. You know what it's like to see your mother like that? See her breakdown like that? Hear her talk about how she would rather not live? Tell me constantly that the ONLY reason she's still here is because of me and Dustin? No. You don't know. And neither does she.
She isn't the only one getting hurt because of him.