
Listening to: Nothing Nothing
Feeling: used
so... I skipped yesterday to go to the hopsital with my mom, than again I skipped today because I was to upset to go to school. I planned on going to mikes during school but I didnt wake up until 2 so I feet really bad. I just didnt want to get up all day, but I feel better than I did last night... When you know theres something wrong and your mom doesnt even listen. Its hard to deal with but w/e.. *liz
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So Tired

Feeling: happy
Wholly crap... I need to stop staying up so late and studying! I was so freaking tired today during school I could have fallen asleep... This school day was the longest ever!!! After school I rode the Bus to my new house, than Jerrod picked me up and we hung out a bit until my mom picked me up... We Stopped @Graves so I could get an application. I ran into Simon and we talked for a bit so that was cool and unexpected. Now Im just filling out the stupid application, I really dont want a job... hopefully they'll say Im too young. But I really need some money. Ive been spending lots of my moms, and I kinda want to pay her back and I need to take Drivers Ed, get a new cell phone and all this shyt... so I guess its time I get a job. I mean if I atleast made 40 a week lol that would be ok cuz it would be 60 with what my dad gives me each week and thats better than nothing, but yeah anyways. Tommorow I get to sleep in because Im going to the hospital with my mom so she can get a scan done because she's having a baby. But than I have to go to school for the rest of the day, Hopefully only lunch and lasst period. I have some studying to do for tommorow though if i go to my last period class so.. bye bye love always ~liz
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Funnn Funnn Funnn :D

Feeling: tense
Well... today was REALLY fun. :) Jerrod decided he wanted to come over, and I didnt want to take the bus so I decided Id walk but Bacon gave us a ride home, which was really cramped because we had 6 people in the car lol. Tiff and Jon sat up front, Brianna, Simon, Jons little cousin and I sat in the back. I sat on Simons lap which was awesome because I didnt get smushed :D! But uhh Im so glad Jon didnt get caught that wouldnt have gone over very well considering the seating and him not having a liscence. After I got dropped off heh I hung out with Jerrod... I think he must have waited for an hour before we got there! lol Yeah dudee :) We had dance competitions and dirty dancing before Mike came over... I did some cleaning for my mom and when she came home Mike took us to McDonalds and the Mall to get my gum balls, obsessed... I know* Actually he just left, we watched a couple episodes off my Wildboyz dvd ;D Steve-O's my herrrro* but yeah, I need to figure out if Im going to do my homework or just skip tommorow : hard decissions....
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Listening to: Nothing
Feeling: romantic
Well... I fell asleep at 8 on the couch, than my mom woke me up at 10 to go upstairs and get into bed... After like a half an hour of just laying there I realized I couldnt get back to sleep and felt the instant need to come down stairs and eat mnm's. So thats what Im doing! Today my mom and I went into town but we didnt get any maternity clothes for her because Tory was sleeping, whinning, and she didnt feel like shopping SO I just ran into the mall and got Wildboyz :D I watched one episode when I got home... but than cleaned my room like I told my mom I would. After that I called Simon, but no one was home so I just watched the wholle movie... Well one of the disks haha I still have to watch the second. Actually I think I'll go do that right now since the TV is frreee :) Sweetdreams, night. Love Always, ~liz~
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[x40x]Long weekend

Feeling: happy
Well we had a half a day wensday which rocks and we have the whole week off two :) Wensday Mike came over and Jerrod, my sister, and I all had pizza then went in town and saw Spider Man 2... After that I went bowling from 12 to 6 in the morning, it was pretty sick... but I was tired. Wes and I bummed money off people for food, hahaha. Jerrod drove me to his house even though he wasnt suppose to because he hasnt had his liscence for 6 months yet but shhh...* We slept until 4 in the after noon haha I went to sleep when it was light out and woke up when it was dark it was pretty cool... Ive pretty much crashed at jerrods house since Wensday and kinda ready to go hommme and get in touch with my phone... but its cool* his mom is picking up pizza's for us and Im getting pineapple and pickel :-D Its the best! Well... I'll get back to you on the rest of my long weekend ;p im kinda bored Well,... Im finally Home :D Tommorow Im going maternity shopping with my mommmy* :) And Simon might come over. I hope I can get the first season of Wildboyz so we can watch it but who knows. He might not be able to come over but hopefully cuz he's fun to hang out with, I think Im going to sleep. I'll write tommorow!
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[x39x]AfTeR sChOoL...

Listening to: freek-a-leeek
Feeling: eager
Well, today was pretty fun!! Except for school... it was soo boring. After school I talked to Simon for a bit, than looked for Wesley but I couldnt find him so I went down to Scissor Excitement early which was good because they started me earlier.. And my hairs really dark, its weird first seeing it but Im use to it :) Well, Tommorow sha'll be fun 25 minute classes... than leaving, Jerrod will probably hang out with me and Mikes comming for dinner, than at 12 I get to go bowling until 6 in the morning :D:D:D It sha'll be fun! Im soo happy its a 5 day weekend? That rocks :) Wellll.... Im out, I gots to go to a key club meeting love ya *Liz*
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Another Rumor?!

Listening to: nothing-really
Feeling: happy
Well... today was a long day besides the fact I didnt go to school, hehe* Bryan called and we talked, and I told him I didnt really want to go back out with him... but he told me stuff that wasnt true. I called Simon and asked him about it and he told me that it wasnt true... w/ev rumors suck! Its ignorant that people say stuff for their own convienence and ruin your relationship with your friends... but yeahhh I need to go straigten my hair I just figured Id write an entry for you guys to readdd :) love to everyone *liz*
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Day Off From school

Listening to: led zeppelin
Feeling: happy
Well... I didnt have to go to school today :D I woke up with red dots all over my arms, but they are starting to go away... The only sucky part is i have to watch my little 2yr old brother and he keeps screaming at the cats, Im hoping when my mom gets up and takes a shower, and maybe when we go in town I can buy the first season of wildboyz! And they better have it because when ever I go they are always sold out... Well, I think Im going to do some more fun quiz's than get ready for the dayyyy... love always *liz* I will always love you... The words have been drained from this pencil Sweet words that I want to give you And I can't sleep I need to tell you Goodnight When we're together, I feel perfect When I'm pulled away from you, I fall apart All you say is sacred to me Your eyes are so blue I can't look away As we lay in the stillness You whisper to me Marry me Promise you'll stay with me Oh you don't have to ask me You know you're all that I live for You know I'd die just to hold you Stay with you Somehow I'll show you That you are my night sky I've always been right behind you Now I'll always be right beside you So many nights I cried myself to sleep Now that you love me, I love myself I never thought I would say this I never thought there'd be You
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Quiz's and Such

Listening to: led zeppelin
Feeling: happy
How to make a Liz Ingredients: 5 parts friendliness 5 parts ambition 5 parts Method:Stir together in a glass tumbler with a salted rim. Top it off with a sprinkle of curiosity and enjoy! What Is Your Best Sexual Skill? Name: Age: Sex: MaleFemaleSexuality: StraightGayBisexualFlirting Skill Level - 28%Kissing Skill Level - 14%Cudding Skill Level - 8%Sex Skill Level - 99%Why They Love You You can do amazing things with your tongue.Why They Hate You They can't bend the way you want them to. This fun quiz by lady_wintermoon - Taken 958587 Times. Your Icecream Flavour is...Choc-Chip Cookie Dough! You are fancy shmancy! You have all the bells and whistles and you attract the most gluttonous of ice-cream shop patrons. You are fattening and intensely rich. That being said, you are very tasty and have a huge fanbase! good for you!
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Another weekend over

Listening to: nothing
Feeling: torn
Well... there goes another weekend. Friday I stayed the night at Heathers and we just talked and watched Steve-O movies :) Well, Bryan and I broke up... because he said I dont pay any attension to him and Im always avoiding him to talk to Wes. He got mad at me for talking to Simon, ed and pudge... but I never really get to talk to them, oh well i dont care. I guess Im a slut because I like talking to my friends, and dont give him full attension 24/7... Anyways, Saturday Heather and I watched 'Slash' lol not scary at all! Then we got ready to go to Wes's house and we hung out with him and Josh, and watched silence of the lambs... it was pretty fun, we had a fire, it was pretty awesome and last time I was around a fire was with Simon, Nick, and Sam... and that was a while ago so it was pretty sweet :D... I left Wes's around 8:30 and my mom dropped me off at J-mans... and now Im just here watching viva la bam they are using cannons amd doing a 'remake of the civil war' haha, its pretty funny, Jerrods washing Uncle Scotts truck or something... but yeah I gotta get to my Cell Analogy Project love Always *liz*
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Great Day! =)

Feeling: cheerful
School went by fast even though I had two tests, and my collld* After school Bryan Wes and I walked to Graves because Wes wanted to show me something... absolutely nothing lol but yeah. The rest of the day I got to hang out with Bryan :D We went fourwheeling and watched a couple of movies. The MASK, which I could not stop laughing at, but it felt good to laugh a lot. It was fun and he makes me happy :) Tommorow Bryan, my sister, my mom, and I are going to some Halloween thing, either at the Newburgh school Or Fortknox, hopefully Fortknox but we heard its crowded so who knows. Well, I need to catch up on some much needed sleep. *sweetdreams* ;)
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Not to bad

Listening to: Chingy Jackpot
well... today wasnt too bad, except the fact i felt like i was going to cry all day and my eyes were all teary. Im really considering changing my last name, i readdy DO NOT want anything to do with my dad im sick of it I dunno, this weekend will be fun :) *Halloween* Im excited, i want candy. i made up a history test and i think i bombed it but i tried my hardest oh well, but yeahhh i got some studying to do Cause its all in my head I think about it over and over again And I can’t keep picturing you with him And it hurts so bad, yeah Cause it’s on in my head I think about it over and over again I replay it over and over again And I can’t take it yeah I can’t shake it Nooo I can’t wait to see you Want to see if you still got that look in your eyes That one you had for me before we said our goodbyes And it’s a shame that we got to spend our time Being mad about the same things Over and over again About the same things Over and over again Ohh But I think she’s leaving Ooh man she’s leaving I don’t know what else to do (I Can’t go on not loving you) Cause its all in my head I think about it over and over again And I can’t keep picturing you with him And it hurts so bad, yeah Cause its on in my head I think about it over and over again I replay it over and over again yeah And I can’t take it yeah I can’t shake it Nooo I remember the day you left I remember the last breath you took right in front of me When you said that u would leave I was too damn stubborn to try to stop you or say anything But I see clearly now and this chose I made keep playing in my head Over and over again Playing my head Over and over again Ohh I think she’s leaving Ooh man she’s leaving I don’t know what else to do (I Can’t go on not loving you) Cause its all in my head I think about it over and over again And I can’t keep picturing you with him And it hurts so bad, yeah Cause its on in my head I think about it over and over again I replay it over and over again And I can’t take it I can’t shake it Nooo (Now that I’ve realizes that I’m going down From all this pain you’ve put me through Every time I close my eyes I like it ? I can’t go on not loving you) Cause its all in my head I think about it over and over again And I can’t keep picturing you with him And it hurts so bad, yeah Cause its on in my head I think about it over and over again I replay it over and over again And I can’t take it I can’t shake it Nooo Cause its all in my head I think about it over and over again And I can’t keep picturing you with him And it hurts so bad, yeah Cause its on in my head I think about it over and over again I replay it over and over again And I can’t take it I can’t shake it Nooo Over and Over again Over and Over again Cause it’s all in my head
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My so called

Listening to: nothing
Feeling: sane
"i love you good night" why does he even say that when he barely knows me, i see my dad like what once or twice a year? and he lives 15 minutes away. He always blames me for not seeing him, and i always thought it was my fault but he doesnt even call me or ask me to do anything...* Its pretty sad when your dad calls you up and asks you to go to a hockey game and you get all excited because you want to spend time with him and than you find out your going with your stepmom, uncle, and aunt because your dad would rather stay home and watch the stupid race. i go over there for the first time in months, i watched the race with him hoping he would talk to me after or something... he says three words during the whole three hours than after its over "well i gotta go to bed" yeah cool; considering im leaving the next day. its sad when you hear all these stories about your dad taking your little brother to a game when he doesnt even talk to you and when we do i feel like an adult, worst of all listening to all the stories and trying to keep a straight face and not bursting out into tears. i dont feel like his daughter... going to their house; i dont even feel like im apart of the family more like someone visiting a new family. i hate it, bobbi has to friggen tell him to be good, because the first chance he gets to see me he wants to bitch me out. he never has enough time for me, i just wish karl would adopt me so i could feel like i had a father.. i friggen cry myself to sleep when i spend the night there, my dad bitches at me, and finds some way to hurt my feelings. he says he cares but he does a sucky ass job at showing it... i guess its easier to buy me off than spend time with me, i would trade all the money he gives me just to do something atleast once a month, ughhhh
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Listening to: Collective Soul
Feeling: happy
well lol i just started doing this diary thing AGAIN... but yeahhh* school today went by fast which is great because i hate B days* i stayed after school with bryan while he took a test, and i helped madame out lol i walked home alone it sucked but i got to see my gram on the way, and watch the rest of Guiding Light :) hehe Now im just litening to collective soul but i need to go do homework so hopefully i'll remember to write tommorow! Today she dresses For the change she�s facing now And the storm that�s raging A safe haven she has found She doesn�t care What the prohpets say anymore For the love she had She has no more So she gathers rain She gathers rain To rinse away all her guilt and pain She gathers rain She gathers rain To wash and cleanse and make her whole again Her imagination Has started stretching wide And her new conviction No longer will she hide She�s not branded When prophets speak words of fire The same love she gives She requires So she gathers rain She gathers rain To rinse away all her guilt and pain She gathers rain She gathers rain To wash and cleanse and make her whole again
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im so confused and i dont know what to do. i really like this guy and even though we talk and stuff i just dont feel like things are going to go anywhere but im not sure. we've gotten really close to going out twice but something always got in the way :- ive liked him for a long time, and im feeling so hopeless... :'( ive been having so many dreams about him and its really depressing because its just reminding me of things we've have done, like shows we've watched and stuff* ughhh.... i hate this
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Labor Day Weekend

Listening to: afro man
Feeling: happy
well this weekend has been pretty decent so far, last night Lance and I decided we were really bored so we went to the movies, and picked up J.Rad also, surprised him because he didnt know I was going also haha and we faught over the front but I got it on the way down and he did the way back. Today my mom took us to a cornmaze and it was pretty cool, we all ran through it of course me carrying Tory lol but it was funn because we got a free ice-cream. On the ride home I got my NoFear drink :D:D and Jerrod got one too but he cant handle it. haha it makes him sick! Anyways... I did some of my science homework which was extremely easy because all the answers are in bored lol, Jerrod and I ate lobsters with his mom and dad, and now Im here, but anyways Im going to go finish up on some homework madluv;)
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Football Game

Listening to: Nothing its late. lol
Feeling: happy
Today was great, school was a little boring because it was the second day of school and we had to do all these queer games to get to know the students. I dont think the teachers understand we've known eachother and been in the same class pretty much all our lives but w/e. Also we had to listen about "what were going to be doing for the following year," blah blah blah! Anyways after school Paul came over and we just hung out and played Tony Hawk than we walked to the game. We met up with Kristina and Kyndle but we didnt hang out with them. It was mostly David and Darren, lol Darren and I had little fight matches it was great. After the game we LOST Paul and I hung out on the playground cuz i had to fix my shoes, than we talked some... i love paul, i really do... i feel like im using every excuse to get away from him though... im afraid. aghh... i want to be with him more then anything, i guess im just afraid to get hurt... but i think he is to, so im being selfish... *we looked at the stars on the way home and found the little dipper I think lol but on the walk home I got totally freaked out talking about Pet Semetary lol, but anyways yeah, today was awesome!!! :o) and Im pretty tired so im going to get to bed.... night* <3Liz*
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Last day of Summer*

Listening to: nothing
Feeling: excited
its the last day of summer vacation and im kind of upset but Im really excited for school! i cant wait to see everyone and see how there summers gone, well i just wanted to put an entry in here so i dont fall behind like i did this summer lol *liz
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Long Day

Listening to: led zeplin
Feeling: sinful
well today hasnt been the best day ever but i'll get over it. im sick... my glands are so sore and swollen and im extremely tired im grouchy and it sucks!* im hopping i'll be better for school, even though it sucks feeling like this when you only have 4 days of vacation left. :( oh well look on the bright side alteast i get to see all of my friends that i didnt get to hang out with over the summer. for some reason i find myself hanging out with the same people, maybe i just dont like change lol but w/e kinda grouchy so i'll get going... this definately isnt me, im not even eating. :( and im always happy and laughing... *liz
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