havnt written in a while..

Listening to: nothing...
Feeling: torn
Well, I havnt written in a while.. and I thought Id update because I love reading comments, haha. I guess I'll start with this weekend not a lot happened except for Friday I went to Jons to hang out with Bryan. We went fourwheeling, and Tiffy and Jon rode his dirt bike. It was really funn. We went to this Haunted House in Frankfort, and that was saweet, the house was really neat Tiffany and I thought it would be cool to buy someday to fix up and than we could live in it haha. Well, we just thought it was really cool except for the haunted part haha oh well. hmm, Bryan and I started walking back to the car to give Tiff and Jon some alone time.. and we noticed little kids playing in the water at 9:00 lol it was weiiiird. so of course he threw rocks in the water to try and freak them out. :P haha Well, Friday was funn and the rest of the weekend was ok. Jerrod and I hung outside and tanned, "tried to play horseshoes" actually Im REALLLY goood... compaired to him. Well, I have school tommorow and Im kind of excited because its my birthday :) May 17th.. when I get home Im going to call my dad too because its his birthday as well. Well, I have to straigten my hair for tommorow, so I'll get going..
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CuTe journal hun love it tons lol =)
Sound like a fun weekend yo, for shizzle mother fuckkkkker!!!lol jk but yeah talk later