Long Day

Listening to: led zeplin
Feeling: sinful
well today hasnt been the best day ever but i'll get over it. im sick... my glands are so sore and swollen and im extremely tired im grouchy and it sucks!* im hopping i'll be better for school, even though it sucks feeling like this when you only have 4 days of vacation left. :( oh well look on the bright side alteast i get to see all of my friends that i didnt get to hang out with over the summer. for some reason i find myself hanging out with the same people, maybe i just dont like change lol but w/e kinda grouchy so i'll get going... this definately isnt me, im not even eating. :( and im always happy and laughing... *liz
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Hey! It's awesome that you love Florida! I'm in the sunshine state at this very moment! Being 15 is hard at times! I guess you are a freshman then? I remember those days! It gets better, PROMISE! :)