[x40x]Long weekend

Feeling: happy
Well we had a half a day wensday which rocks and we have the whole week off two :) Wensday Mike came over and Jerrod, my sister, and I all had pizza then went in town and saw Spider Man 2... After that I went bowling from 12 to 6 in the morning, it was pretty sick... but I was tired. Wes and I bummed money off people for food, hahaha. Jerrod drove me to his house even though he wasnt suppose to because he hasnt had his liscence for 6 months yet but shhh...* We slept until 4 in the after noon haha I went to sleep when it was light out and woke up when it was dark it was pretty cool... Ive pretty much crashed at jerrods house since Wensday and kinda ready to go hommme and get in touch with my phone... but its cool* his mom is picking up pizza's for us and Im getting pineapple and pickel :-D Its the best! Well... I'll get back to you on the rest of my long weekend ;p im kinda bored Well,... Im finally Home :D Tommorow Im going maternity shopping with my mommmy* :) And Simon might come over. I hope I can get the first season of Wildboyz so we can watch it but who knows. He might not be able to come over but hopefully cuz he's fun to hang out with, I think Im going to sleep. I'll write tommorow!
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