last day of vay-k

Listening to: nothing.
Feeling: amazed
wow, my vacation has gone by so friggen fast and I didnt really do much. It was pretty boring except for a couple of days one being Thursday hanging out with Tiff, Jon, Brian, and Mike and another hanging out with Tim on Saturday that was fun!* :) hmm this week is going to go by fast too. Tommorow I have a regular 5/8 day but I have to come home and pack for my band trip ((nerdy I know haha)) but atleast I get out of school for a day and a half. We leave tuesday after lunch at 12:40 than dont come home until Wensday night. The trip should be fun except for performing which is so boring and lame but staying in the hotel will be nice, swimming, and just hanging out in the hot tub! :) When I come back its going to be a bitch doing my homework, so I might just bring my homework to do on the trip.. the ride down or something. Friday I miss french because I have a doctors appointment at 9:30 God love asthma.. lol jk* but missing french is niiiice! poor Tim, oh well atleast I'll have french with him tommorow haha. Yeah sorry this isnt much but I didnt really want to write because I dont feel like I have much to say, but apparently I did.. haha I guess Im going to go finish getting ready for school. MadLuv4u* Lizz/*
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yeah baby, saturday was fun! it sucks i have to go through french alone with that fat bird teacher eww alright well im out later baby,love ya