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Full name: Elisabeth Dawn McLain Birthday: May 17 Age: 15 Sign: Taurus Hair color: Brown Eye color: Blue Height: 5'6 Do you wear Glasses or Contacts: no Are you a Girl or Guy: Girl Do you go to school: Yes What school do you go to: Hampden Academy What grade are you in: 10th Do you play any sports: no Where were you born: Bangor Where were you raised: Newburgh Where do you currently live: -- Who do you live with: my parents What are your parents names: Lisa and Stephen Do you have any brothers or sisters: 1 half brother and sister, 1 step sister, and an adopted brother What are their names: Joey, Brianna, Tiffany, Tory Do you have any pets: yes What kinds: cat What are their names: Harley and Peanut What grade school did u go too: Newburgh Elementary, Weatherbee What Jr. High did you go to: Reeds brook Have you ever moved: yeah, lots of times. ~*~Friends~*~ Do you have bestfriend: yes Who is it: Jerrod Stanhpe How long have you been bestfriends: for 7 years Which one of your friends family's do you know the best: Jerrod ~*~OPPOSITE SEX~*~ Do you have a boyfriend: no ~*~FAVORITES~*~ Color: pink State: Florida Shampoo: Pantene Conditioner: Pantene Soap: Bath and Body Works Place: Jerrods house? LoL Food: mexican Drink: NO FEAR Person: too many Family member: mom Flower: Roses Candy: Starbursts!! (matt lol) Actor: Ashton Kutcher Actress: Lindsay Lohan.. or Reese Weatherspoon Movie: Oldschool Tv Show: OC, real world Website: this one of course Gum: orbit Toothpaste: crest whitening Insect: butterflies Teacher: COACH ELDER Grade: kindergarden was good lol ~*~HAVE YOU EVER~*~ Climbed a mountain: no Been camping: yes Ate a whole box of Oreo's: yes Stayed home just cause: yea Went skydiving: not yet ~*~ WHEN IS THE LAST TIME YOU...~*~ Cried: a couple of days ago??lol Laughed: bout 15 minutes ago Danced: yesterday Kissed someone: week ago Hugged someone: a day ago lol Swam: sometime during summer Showered: hour ago Ate: last night Bought something: a day ago
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