
Listening to: Tipsy
Feeling: torn
Extremely tired! Staying up until three in the morning and than getting up at like 9 really sucks for me. Now Im watching my brother and waiting for Karl to get out of the shower so I can take one. Today we are going to HomeDepot to get things to build our house, yay. Jerrods joining me so its not as boring even though I kind of enjoy telling my parents what to get and not get haha. Today Tims at his Grams so I cant see him, but I hope he has fun! and tommorow I have an easter party to go to!! :D cannnt wait, its extremely fun our whole family gets together at my grams and she gives us hints to find our presents, and than we have a candy hunt. which is fun cuz Jerrod and I always get the most haha but we share it with the others soo its all good. ((yeahh we dont share by choice)) Well, I gotta go take my shower! soo ttyl *Lizz*
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awww!! your diary is soo cute!