So Tired

Feeling: happy
Wholly crap... I need to stop staying up so late and studying! I was so freaking tired today during school I could have fallen asleep... This school day was the longest ever!!! After school I rode the Bus to my new house, than Jerrod picked me up and we hung out a bit until my mom picked me up... We Stopped @Graves so I could get an application. I ran into Simon and we talked for a bit so that was cool and unexpected. Now Im just filling out the stupid application, I really dont want a job... hopefully they'll say Im too young. But I really need some money. Ive been spending lots of my moms, and I kinda want to pay her back and I need to take Drivers Ed, get a new cell phone and all this shyt... so I guess its time I get a job. I mean if I atleast made 40 a week lol that would be ok cuz it would be 60 with what my dad gives me each week and thats better than nothing, but yeah anyways. Tommorow I get to sleep in because Im going to the hospital with my mom so she can get a scan done because she's having a baby. But than I have to go to school for the rest of the day, Hopefully only lunch and lasst period. I have some studying to do for tommorow though if i go to my last period class so.. bye bye love always ~liz
Read 1 comments it a boy or girl? Looks likes things are goin pretty good for ya! ttyl