Great Day! =)

Feeling: cheerful
School went by fast even though I had two tests, and my collld* After school Bryan Wes and I walked to Graves because Wes wanted to show me something... absolutely nothing lol but yeah. The rest of the day I got to hang out with Bryan :D We went fourwheeling and watched a couple of movies. The MASK, which I could not stop laughing at, but it felt good to laugh a lot. It was fun and he makes me happy :) Tommorow Bryan, my sister, my mom, and I are going to some Halloween thing, either at the Newburgh school Or Fortknox, hopefully Fortknox but we heard its crowded so who knows. Well, I need to catch up on some much needed sleep. *sweetdreams* ;)
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Cute journal! Sounds like you had a nice day! Ciao! ||xMarissax||