
Feeling: isolated
Quite irritated right now sick of some shittttt... but anyways schools comming up really soon! and believe it or not im freaking excited. :-D I cant wait to see everyone!! Hopefully this entry doesnt get cut in half like my one before but whatever. Today was pretty fun except for the getting up at 9:30 to go watch my brother even though i watched him for an hour than put him to bed and i went to bed to because i didnt feel good but when gram got home i walked up to the house we are building and just hung out for a few* than i walked down to jerrods and jumped off the dock into his pond, it was really refresshing!! Its going to be so great because we live right next to eachother along with gram lol, i cant wait to decorate my room, i get the biggest one so this sha'll be fun. :-D but neways im outtie <3
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