last day of school

Feeling: happy
how you like it daddy_? you and me well, today was the last day of school! im pretty happy, this week has been stressfull and boring because of finals and otherr stuff but after school i hung out with simon so it made my week better* :) we watched lion king 1 1/2 and made maccaroni and cheese. even though i didnt get to see him much today cuz he went to bangor with pudge but thats ok, ill see him sometime soon* this weekend im going to portland and im going to miss everyone. hopefully friday i can go to the bounty with a friend* i just wanna hang out and dance and have a good time. i dunno i have a good time at the bounty lol last time this random girl came up to me and was like "if you wanna talk to some really hot guys follow me" so I did and sure enough they were.. lol i danced with one of them, mitch cuz he was 16 and i was bored/lonely but the other guy was too old (19) lol* im all set with that but he was really nice and stuff and it was fun talking to them, im kinda bummed i'll never see them again because there from dexter but they were cool ppl, but w/e i'll get over it maybe someother time i'll see them. well, sorry this is short i have to go pack for portland* even though i really really really dont want to go! im going to miss everyone so freaking much, and well who the hell am i going to hang out with in portland besides my brother???? and im so tired and have nothing to say :( love you guys! madluv* liz
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