Happy Easter!

Listening to: I miss you *blink 182
Feeling: torn
We havnt done presents, and egg hunting yet though because my sis aka devil isnt home yet but when she gets back Im sure we will. Than Im going to my Grams for an Easter get together with the family aka Jerrod haha. We'll will probably sit there and pick apart everything and just laugh at our inside jokes and stuff so it'll be great. We will try to show some respect ;P *it happens* blah my hair is soaked and I need to blow dry it :: straighten it :: spiral curl it and than do my make up.. sooo much to do. Its gonna take for ever to because my hair is soo think, and curly already but its prettier when curl it yourself. blah Im trying to download music but Kazaa is being so slow, and people are making it so I cant download from them, how annoying! haha but its alright if I block them from downloading from me. besides, if people dont want other people downloading from them than they should block it, it makes more since than trying to cancle every persons upload. duh* any ways haha I need to get ready for our get together thingy, I just wanted to write some stuff before I left. mad luv *lizz *!!HAPPY EASTER!!* Well I got tons of candy haha, 25 dollars gift certificate to the mall, a cute jacket from the gap, and stuff in my easter basket. Today was pretty fun. :) Well, Im going to go watch Dickie Roberts.. later!
Read 2 comments
thanks for the help!

happy easter!
happy easter!! Thanks fo the comment! yeh muh mom lets me drink when im around her ONLY and shes REEEALY strick about that 2... lol
well i hope ya had a great weeked!