
Listening to: nothing.
Feeling: happy
Ok, the week with my dad was finne until today, it friggen sucked. My dad got home from work, and when he came inside Im like "are you going to give me a ride home?" He's like "I thought you were staying until Saturday" and Im like "no, I told you I had plans for Saturday" and he flipped out on me! He didnt care that I had plans, he wanted me to stay so I could finish raking, wow that really upset me. Than he's like did you do anything raking today? Im like "no you told me not to because you dont want me down the by the road when your not home" and he kind of shut up. but whatever he was being a stupid ass today. Before I got out of the truck I gave him a hug and told him I loved him.. and he's like "Id like to see you more" than I said "I spent more time with the rake with in the past few days" and he just said "its your choice" and Im like "I love you" and all he said was "bye" so I shut the door and went inside with out looking back to wave good bye. I hate it!! All he cared about was me finishing the lawn, its like wtf? I came over to spend time with you, than he told me I was "chasing boys" just because I wanted to hang out with Jon, Brian, Bryan, and my sister. whatever. Tommorow will be good! haha hanging out with Tim, than hanging out with Jerrod. We are going to plan for my birthday and clean out the barn cuz we want to have it in there, yeah sounds kinda gayyy! but its sooo much fun! :) I love it haha. It was kind of weird because usually Jerrod and I hang out LoTz but we didnt this vay-k which really sucked! but we are going to hang tommorow so it sha'll be good! Well, Im outie. madluv*
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you rock hard ass, also your ass is rock'n