Fed up

Listening to: nothing.
Feeling: isolated
Ok, my sister and I share clothes once in a while and usually we dont let eachother wear our new clothes, but my sister wanted to look good or something and she needed my jumpsuit jacket to complete her outfit, so I let her wear it. When she came home there was paint all over the sleeve and I asked her how she did that and shes like "well we were paining" and Im like "well, why didnt you take it off?" She's like "didnt think of it and besides it'll come out" so I just said it was ok and all that.Today I found it in the laundry pile washed and the paint was still there, and that really upset me that she didnt care. Also when I went to put on my pants I noticed Yellow paint so apparently she was painting that day too with my pants on, I just dont see how she can wear other peoples clothes and not respect them, I find it very rude. Considering Im very careful about her clothes. sighh* ok, so we went to the mall and my sister told my mom she "needed" clothes for the dance, so my mom gave her money and bought her stuff, but she didnt even say I could get anything.. soo I told her it wasnt really fair, and she bought me something but she gave my sister more money too. Its like the cost can never be the same and she always gets more than me. So she had like 8 dollars left, that she was "supposidely" suppose to use for the dance and for lunch.. but the next day I wasnt home because I walk to school unlike my lazy sister, and I found out that she got ten extra dollars, and I got nothing. Im just like wtf?? It really bugs me and I dont think its fair. My mom didnt even get me anything for 8th grade graduation, but she got my sister something for DARE/5TH grade graduation. Im just "really" looking forward for her 8th grade graduation Im sure she'll get something. whatever* enough of this I have a major headache, and well not really having a good day. haha* Today we looked at house plans and well walked over to the land to see how things would work out. I cant wait, haha I'll be next door to Jerrods.. lol and I thought we hung out a lot now* Well, I need to do my French project. :( Love Always, *Lizz*
Read 6 comments
can you help me make a moving cursor?
That sucks about your sister doing that. Sometimes I think my mom spoils my brother more than me...it sucks. Hope stuff gets better.
i think you should like not let ur sister borrow your shit if shesf gunna be a bitch fuck her, next time she asks just give her the finger and tell her to fuck herself dont be so nice about that shit i'd be so pissed
hey cute diary..how do you get the mouseovers?! like the links change colors when the mouse goes over em'..!?
that really sux. i can't stand when my sisters borrow my stuff and eaither never give it back or ruin it and then they think itz okay.
Thanks soooooo much for helping me with my diary! haha as i said before im a little slow... haha! Well thanks again! Have a Happy Easter!* Hopefully the easter bunny came ;) love ya! *Megan