[x39x]AfTeR sChOoL...

Listening to: freek-a-leeek
Feeling: eager
Well, today was pretty fun!! Except for school... it was soo boring. After school I talked to Simon for a bit, than looked for Wesley but I couldnt find him so I went down to Scissor Excitement early which was good because they started me earlier.. And my hairs really dark, its weird first seeing it but Im use to it :) Well, Tommorow sha'll be fun 25 minute classes... than leaving, Jerrod will probably hang out with me and Mikes comming for dinner, than at 12 I get to go bowling until 6 in the morning :D:D:D It sha'll be fun! Im soo happy its a 5 day weekend? That rocks :) Wellll.... Im out, I gots to go to a key club meeting love ya *Liz*
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thanX hun..ur diary is cute toO!