My so called

Listening to: nothing
Feeling: sane
"i love you good night" why does he even say that when he barely knows me, i see my dad like what once or twice a year? and he lives 15 minutes away. He always blames me for not seeing him, and i always thought it was my fault but he doesnt even call me or ask me to do anything...* Its pretty sad when your dad calls you up and asks you to go to a hockey game and you get all excited because you want to spend time with him and than you find out your going with your stepmom, uncle, and aunt because your dad would rather stay home and watch the stupid race. i go over there for the first time in months, i watched the race with him hoping he would talk to me after or something... he says three words during the whole three hours than after its over "well i gotta go to bed" yeah cool; considering im leaving the next day. its sad when you hear all these stories about your dad taking your little brother to a game when he doesnt even talk to you and when we do i feel like an adult, worst of all listening to all the stories and trying to keep a straight face and not bursting out into tears. i dont feel like his daughter... going to their house; i dont even feel like im apart of the family more like someone visiting a new family. i hate it, bobbi has to friggen tell him to be good, because the first chance he gets to see me he wants to bitch me out. he never has enough time for me, i just wish karl would adopt me so i could feel like i had a father.. i friggen cry myself to sleep when i spend the night there, my dad bitches at me, and finds some way to hurt my feelings. he says he cares but he does a sucky ass job at showing it... i guess its easier to buy me off than spend time with me, i would trade all the money he gives me just to do something atleast once a month, ughhhh
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