just got bck...

Listening to: blink*
Feeling: achy
Well, the band trip was kind of lame-O! Except the fact I had a hotel suite to myself. :D because Becca didnt go even though I would have enjoyed her company! hehe it was still fun. We went down to the hotel got settled in our rooms and went to the concert thing at an AMAZING school! sooo jealous. haha* I think we all are. Ne ways we got back at like 11. When I got to my room I took a bath cuz I didnt feel good, and than J and Gabs came to my room and asked if I wanted to come with them so we all went for a walk on the beach. Some of us went swimming in the ocean, unfortunately. I was sick : so I stayed on the shore with J. but later we went back to our hotel rooms and we had "lights out" whatever haha I watched tv than like passed out, I was tired! I had a bad time last night though, not only being sick but I forgot my singulair and inhaler so I felt weird.. but yeahh.. I took it and Im all good now. haha Well, I have plenty of homework to do for tommorow and girlie things. nails, hair, outfit!* ;) sooo ttyl* madluv* Liz
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SOunds like a blast...have fun with the whole getting girlied up for tomorrow!