at school

Feeling: awake
haha Im vurry awake, and I feel great. Went to bed last night at 9:30 and slept until 7:20. I could have gotten up at 7:30 when Tim called but he stayed home sick (hope you feel better hun! I forgot to tell you that on the phone this morning*) and I thought "what the hell" Im going back to bed. ;P get some extra rest! :D Im bored, doing my math homework in the stc.. alone cuz Paul left me lol (he only stays half every day but shhh) wow though last night I had the worst head ache and I had to get off the phone with Tim so I could get some aspirin and lay down. but I decided to take a shower/bath. haha I felt better though after, and Im glad I did. I guess I just needed some sleep,.. kinda fell asleep in the bath haha thats ok! :) Im happy, I finally got my French research paper done, its been done since Monday I just needed to do a quick spell check before I finally hand it in. She required it to be 6-8 pages and mine is 7 soo hopefully it'll be ok. Im hoping! ohh that reminds me I have to make a title page.... well I'll write when I get home I dont have anything interesting to write anyways.. love ya! *Lizz
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