
Listening to: Tupac _thanks pauly p
Feeling: happy
Today my dads picking me up and well yeah Im staying until Friday but I think this is going to go by fast because Tonight obviously will, tommorow Im going to my nana's and I think I might get to see my aunt and cousins cuz they said they were comming down. Than Thursday Im hoping I get to hang out with my sister and her boyfriend because its been awhile, and it sounds extremely fun! Than Friday, I think Tiffany and I will just hang out and than Im going home but before I go maybe my dad and I will have some time to just chill and talk about getting card back!! I need money... lol loong story short, some how an aol bill racked up and I had to pay off $500.00.. (breath) yeahhhh that sucked. Im not suppose to get my card back until like May but I think my dad might give it to me a bit early because.. well I dont know. Woah.. Than Saturday Tim and I are hanging out.. trying our new friendship haha this'll be interesting. JESUS this vaca is going to fllyy by! I better have some friggen fun before I have to go back to school, or Im going to be pissed. Yeah, wow, this is boring hehe I think I'll go read some of you ppls diarys and make some comments since you guys have been so nice to comment on mine! Loveya *lizz
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