Funnn Funnn Funnn :D

Feeling: tense
Well... today was REALLY fun. :) Jerrod decided he wanted to come over, and I didnt want to take the bus so I decided Id walk but Bacon gave us a ride home, which was really cramped because we had 6 people in the car lol. Tiff and Jon sat up front, Brianna, Simon, Jons little cousin and I sat in the back. I sat on Simons lap which was awesome because I didnt get smushed :D! But uhh Im so glad Jon didnt get caught that wouldnt have gone over very well considering the seating and him not having a liscence. After I got dropped off heh I hung out with Jerrod... I think he must have waited for an hour before we got there! lol Yeah dudee :) We had dance competitions and dirty dancing before Mike came over... I did some cleaning for my mom and when she came home Mike took us to McDonalds and the Mall to get my gum balls, obsessed... I know* Actually he just left, we watched a couple episodes off my Wildboyz dvd ;D Steve-O's my herrrro* but yeah, I need to figure out if Im going to do my homework or just skip tommorow : hard decissions....
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