Football Game

Listening to: Nothing its late. lol
Feeling: happy
Today was great, school was a little boring because it was the second day of school and we had to do all these queer games to get to know the students. I dont think the teachers understand we've known eachother and been in the same class pretty much all our lives but w/e. Also we had to listen about "what were going to be doing for the following year," blah blah blah! Anyways after school Paul came over and we just hung out and played Tony Hawk than we walked to the game. We met up with Kristina and Kyndle but we didnt hang out with them. It was mostly David and Darren, lol Darren and I had little fight matches it was great. After the game we LOST Paul and I hung out on the playground cuz i had to fix my shoes, than we talked some... i love paul, i really do... i feel like im using every excuse to get away from him though... im afraid. aghh... i want to be with him more then anything, i guess im just afraid to get hurt... but i think he is to, so im being selfish... *we looked at the stars on the way home and found the little dipper I think lol but on the walk home I got totally freaked out talking about Pet Semetary lol, but anyways yeah, today was awesome!!! :o) and Im pretty tired so im going to get to bed.... night* <3Liz*
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aw i really like yours also. i like the font you use too.

thanks for the comment.

Im 15 and from Canada, and you?