Another weekend over

Listening to: nothing
Feeling: torn
Well... there goes another weekend. Friday I stayed the night at Heathers and we just talked and watched Steve-O movies :) Well, Bryan and I broke up... because he said I dont pay any attension to him and Im always avoiding him to talk to Wes. He got mad at me for talking to Simon, ed and pudge... but I never really get to talk to them, oh well i dont care. I guess Im a slut because I like talking to my friends, and dont give him full attension 24/7... Anyways, Saturday Heather and I watched 'Slash' lol not scary at all! Then we got ready to go to Wes's house and we hung out with him and Josh, and watched silence of the lambs... it was pretty fun, we had a fire, it was pretty awesome and last time I was around a fire was with Simon, Nick, and Sam... and that was a while ago so it was pretty sweet :D... I left Wes's around 8:30 and my mom dropped me off at J-mans... and now Im just here watching viva la bam they are using cannons amd doing a 'remake of the civil war' haha, its pretty funny, Jerrods washing Uncle Scotts truck or something... but yeah I gotta get to my Cell Analogy Project love Always *liz*
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LIZ!!!! hey itz heather. Jus wanna say hey!!!