Blast from the Past

So I found my long lost best friend from way long ago when I used to live in Massachusetts. It's pretty cool since I never thought I would ever talk to him again since he ended up moving after I did. My mom is hoping that we might see him at church on Christmas since I think his mom goes to the same church as my sister and we always go with her to that Mass. It's pretty weird. Yet really cool. I mean I know I haven't talked to him in like eleven years but I still feel like, omg he's my old best friend and I know him wo well, even though I don't. I feel very homesick for Dalton. I did end up JDI-ing it and calling that guy. He seems pretty cool, so we're gonna hang out at some point. That should be fun, I still can't believe I called him. That is about it though. I'm off to Roberts Wesleyan tomorrow until Saturday for a scholarship competition type thing. Wish me luck. Is it weird that I feel like I still know Christopher even after all these years? I remember so much about when we were three. It's all so... I don't quite know. I was glad he at least remembered who I was. I hope he isn't, she is a dork for remembering all this. I am a dork, but I wouldn't want him to think that. Well, I guess he can, but I don't think he will. I think he sorta knows me better than that. Without actually knowing me for a long time. Hm. So yeah. -Cty
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