It's College Life For Me

College is way fun. There is so much to talk about, yet I have homeowrk. In a short explination: The professors here are the best. They are intelligent and caring, which is a rareity among higher education today. My roommate, Emily, is awesome. I could not have asked for a better roommate. God has truly blessed me. My extracurriculars are also a blessing in that I have more oportunites that imaginable. I have a radio show on Saturdays and I'm involved in two music groups, one being the highest band group at Messiah (which goes on tour and records) and the other being the Womens Choir. I was really nervous at first, seeing as this is a new experience and life has really changed. It was like going to summer camp at the beginning, but now it's settling in and I'm really flourishing. I feel like this is really the place God wants me to be and my faith is strengthening by being here. I have philosophy homework, so I must go. Talk to ya soon, -Court
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