Crazy Awesme

Feeling: adventurous
So, I'm not having the best of days, but I can feel God working so it's all good. I've just had that feeling lately that something is in the horizon. Not a big superficial feeling, but a deep down one. Maybe it's just God letting me know that things are going to work out. And they are, so it's all good. Things are just working along. I'm hoping to have my application to study abroad at the University of Gloucestershire in Cheltenham, England sent out by Wednesday before Emily and I head to my house of the J-Term recess. I'm really excited about this, it would really be a dream come true. No other way to put it. I've decided to minor in Business Administration and that is exciting as well. I feel I can use that anywhere, if not in the work place, at least in personal finances and such. So, basically, no matter what is going on, I'm having this amazing peace and security that God is working His plan out. It feels just like love. Ironic? I think not.
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