[170] folk of the faraway tree

Listening to: the labyrinth
im SO pissed off I lost my FAVOURITE childhood book [if you have read it you will understand why i take drugs :)] Book: Folk of the faraway tree Author: Enid Blyton Description: Jo, Bessie and Fanny have a visit from snooty friend Connie. Connie won't believe in the Faraway Tree and the magical people who live there - Moon-face, Silky the fairy and Saucepan Man. There's only one way to prove her wrong - together the children climb the tree, and visit some of the lands at the top of it, like the Land of Secrets and the Land of Treats. And after a few adventures, Connie learns to be a nicer person altogether! FIND ME THE BOOK dead or alive award £2345678678908733456786542345678909876542345678998765432345678998765433456789
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that sucks love