I read back on my past entries of my diary and realised how many pathetic things i said....it pains me to leave you..but i have to go..this is the REAL time..the real attempt...the real success..
i hate my life.
In my vision...the only way to escape this pain is to kill this pain..
i tried that...i tried to extract it..
he has won the fight
i remember the first time it happened..i try to forget every time it happens but it always comes back to me..its the biggest battle i have had to face..
im still here for these few minuites telling you some of the story, and that is big, i could be lying dead in the bed where my father fucks me every night right now.
My father is troubled. He has infected me with his disease and now i must set myself free.
but to those of you who...need escape...need out...
dont die..let this be a lesson..kill your father if you have to
kill your grandparents, your teachers, your neighbours, whoever it is who takes your innocence away...KILL THEM.
im already dead.This isnt the end, its only the beginning.
god... i'm about to cry. you're my hero. i look up to you more then anyone else that i know. you're an amazing person, you deserve none of what you're getting.
love you tons,
Hope you're Ok. I miss you Pudding Pie.
Uhm...Love Ya.
i have a friend that was raped by her father and her uncle.
Well I'll see you later maybe if your on messanger when I get home.
See ya xxxxx