a pixie??

Listening to: the vandals
Quote of the day: "zippy new car" Song of the day: "me against the music" song has been stuck in my head all damn day. Today I found out Vanessa doesn't like me so that's definetly a good thing, the less people that like me, the better (though I do find it very flattering). Tiffany scared the shit out of me whech she came up behind me and grabbed my arm to look at my Distillers patch. My Reel Big Fish one keeps coming off, I must be sewing it on wrong or something. She has a really cool belt, need to ask her where she got it from. The bill I made with Sarah in Government passed so yay for me. What was up with Christina and saving those damn goffers? whatever. Destiny said I look like a pixie with my hair done the way it was. What the hell is a pixie? Aren't they fairies or something like that? I hardly look like a pixie, don't know what the hell she was smoking this morning. Grant drove me home is his 'zippy new car' it's really nice except for the fact it smells like cat piss lol. He has a cat so I guess he's used to the smell, hell he thinks it smells like bacon. Now I can ask him for rides instead of wondering if Sarah would make me pay for gas money if I asked her. Danielle was sick again today, we were gonna have Sarah take us to Jamba Juice for lunch, but I guess we lucked out there. I need to call her and see how she's feeling today. I'm assuming the same as yesterday if not worse. Get better you stupid cunt lol
Read 2 comments
I love your journal. The colors (purple is my favorite color) and the Brody. Oh yeah, that is sexy.
thanks, purple is my favorite too, and brody hell yea she's fine.
Your journal looks way better then mine, how'd you get that backround?