that wasn't smart

I think I some how uninstalled the sound for me computer so now I have to sit here in silence listening to the annoying humm of the computer cuz I can't find my cd player. grr-ness. Larson called me again today, he's an awesome guy, I could talk to him for hours on the phone and not get bored. What sucks is that I don't feel the same way he does. He was asking me if his percentage has gone up and I don't know if it has. I know he likes me, he's said he likes me but right now I just don't feel that way about him and I don't know how to say it to him. Jen and I have been on a "break" for like 8 days now and i'm certainly not over her and I don't think I will for a long time. She was/is the love of my love, I don't know what i'm gonna do now that we're not together. I'd really like to date other people and stuff but the weird thing is that now that i'm single i'm shy about talking to people I like. When I was with Jen I had so much self confidence, but now that seems to be gone. ehhh don't know what to do. I need to some how tell Larson that right now I don't really want a relationship, i'm on the rebound and I still definetly have feelings for Jen. there's so much confusion going on ahhhhhhh On a lighter note, there's another show tomorrow hehehe, it should be really good cuz I know how much Larson wants to go to it, so if he thinks it'll be good than it's definetly worth a shot. I need to try and get nicole to come with me but she said she doesn't want to go to shows as much anymore so I don't know what to do. Larson is supposed to be my show buddy but he's gone. damn. Another reason I want to go is that there's usually some really pretty girls, I mean who knows, I might meat some one. And if not, well there nice to look at lol especially that gorgeous one from the other night, damn she was just wow.
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