who i am

Listening to: silence.
Feeling: lazy
XxXxX-Layer One-XxXxX -x- Name: Shea- -x- Mood: currently..lame- -x- Listen(s) To: everything :D-x- -x- Thinking about: one boy.x- -x- Pets:a vegetarian dog with no teeth. And a really fat hamster. Wanna go bitch? lol. -x- -x- Status: Lonely, but thinking- -x- Birth date: November.4th.1989-x- -x- Birthplace: University hospital. Edmonton. Alberta. Canada.-x- -x- School: Ainlay-x- -x- Hair Color: red-x- -x- Eye Color: Blue-Green -x- -x- Height: 5'5” -x- -x- Righty or Lefty: Righty -x- -x- Zodiac Sign: Scorpio-x- -x- Latest kiss: *sigh*-x- XxXxX-LAYER TWO-XxXxX -x- Your heritage: white. Lol.- -x- The shoes you wore today: skatas -x- -x- Your weakness: lip rings and eyes.-x- -x- Your fears: Lonliness-x- -x- Your perfect pizza: mm pyrogy-x- -x- Goal you'd like to achieve: im gunna be big.-x- -x- In your mouth: ??? -x- XxXxX-LAYER THREE-XxXxX -x- Your most overused phrase on MSN: lol.-x- -x- Your thoughts first waking up: are you SERIOUS? Its am. Fuck a duck. *rolls over*-x- -x- Your best physical feature: my..uh..wait…*sigh*-x- -x- Your bedtime: pfft.-x- -x- Your most missed memory:the way he kissed me -x- -x- Grossest Thing You Ever Ate: hmm squid. x- XxXxX-LAYER FOUR-XxXxX -x- Pepsi or Coke: pepsi, or vanilla coke- -x- McDonald's or Burger King Mcdonalds -x- -x- Single or group dates: Single -x- -x- Adidas or Nike: ... -x- -x- Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: Liptonx- -x- Chocolate or Vanilla: Vanilla -x- -x- Cappuccino or Coffee: Cappucino -x- XxXxX-LAYER FIVE-XxXxX -x- Smoke: No-x- -x- Cuss: Ocasionally. -x- -x- Sing: hells yea.-x- -x- Have a crush:yes *blush* so grade school man.. -x- -x- Do you think you've been in love: Yes-x- -x- Want to go to college: yea. -x- -x- Like high school: Yes -x- -x- Want to get married: Yes -x- -x- Believe in yourself:sometimes.. -x- -x- Get motion sickness: No -x- -x- Think you're attractive: sometimes -x- -x- Think you're a health freak: No, not in the least. -x- -x- Get along with your parents: when I need too. Lol. -x- -x- Like thunderstorms: Yes, they're like "Orgasms in a can” -x- -x- Play an instrument: Yes -x- -x-What instrument: you dunt wanna know. Lol.-x- XxXxX-LAYER SIX-XxXxX In the past month... -x- Drank alcohol: yes -x- -x- Smoked: No -x- -x- Done a drug: No -x- -x- Had Sex: yep -x- -x- Made Out: Yes -x- -x- Gone on a date: yes -x- -x- Gone to the mall?:yes -x- -x- Eaten an entire box of Oreos: No -x- -x- Eaten sushi: No -x- -x- Been on stage: hells yea -x- -x- Been dumped: no. done the dumping. -x- -x- Gone skating: It's summer -x- -x- Made homemade cookies: Yes -x- -x- Gone skinny dipping: yes. -x- -x- Dyed your hair: no -x- -x- Stolen anything: Im hoping his heart <3-x- XxXxX-LAYER SEVEN-XxXxX Ever... -x- Been trashed or extremely intoxicated: Yes -x- -x- Been caught "doing something": Yes, my parents gave me the alcohol.-x- -x- Cried over someone of the opposite sex: yes -x- -x- Wanted to tell someone you loved them: Yes -x- -x- Been called a tease: haha yep -x- -x- Gotten beaten up: No -x- -x- Put a body part on fire for amusement: haha. My friends did it for me -x- -x- Changed who you were to fit in: Yes -x- -x- Made-out with the same sex: maybeh. -x- XxXxX-LAYER EIGHT-XxXxX Favs... -x- Perfume: vanilla, or hawiian ginger-x- -x- Color: Pink -x- -x-Shade: Black -x- -x- Food: ice cream-x- -x- Ice Cream: vanilla-x- -x- Desert: Sex in a Pan -x- -x- Movie: LOTR -x- -x- Book: Harry Potter -x- -x- Sport: volleyball-x- -x- Piercing: Ears, tummy SOON TOUNGE AND NOSE -x- -x- Cartoon Character: dude. tweety-x- -x- Gum: bubblemint-x- -x- TV Show: Canadian idol-x- -x- Fruit: bannana-x- -x- Vegetable: carrot -x- -x- Store: Stitches -x- -x- Holiday: Christmas -x- -x- Season: fall/summer -x- -x- Symbol: heart -x- XxXxX-LAYER TEN-XxXxX In a guy/girl ... -x- Best eye color?: Blue -x- -x- Best hair color?: dark-x- -x- Short or long hair: Short -x- -x- Height: Taller than me -x- -x- Best first kiss location: lips, followed by neck.-x- XxXxX-LAYER ELEVEN-XxXxX -x- # of drugs taken illegally: 1 -x- -x- # of people I could trust with my life: 3 -x- -x- # of Cd's I own: Too many to count -x- -x- # of piercings: 5 -x- -x- # of tattoos: 0 -x- -x- # of scars on my body: Too many to count (I'll get back to you on that) -x- -x- # of things I regret in my past: 5 -x- -x- # of times I have been in love?: 1 -x- -x- # of times I have had my heart broken: many -x- -x- # of hearts I have broken?: one maybe two. -x- -x- # of guys I have kissed?: don’t even wanna go there -x- -x- # of people I consider my enemies?: 3-x-
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