& today was a day like any other
Today was a day full of song, dance, High School Musical, Chik-Fil-A milkshakes and cows, street racing my mother's mini van against Cleigh's obviously-made-for-street-racing car, solo auditions, quarter hunting, "Oh clase!", and the like.
Typical day in the life of
Miss Rach Margo.
I'm seriously considering another earring. 2nd cartlidge. Left ear. Right under the 14g hoop, and above the row of diamonds. That'd be 7 on left, 5 on right, and bellybutton. =] I love piercings.
My mom got on the verizon wireless website and checked my calls. So, now that she knows about my all night calls to Mr. Boyfriend, she is confiscating my phone at 9 every night. (Just when my minutes turn free)
Well, I have a massive headache, and am in dire need of sleep.
I'll write more later. Or tomorrow.
Danielle. What a dork....
Me and Courtney. I love this girl. =]
I came down here to tell you, It rains in heaven all day long. I wanna find you so bad, and let you know I'm miserable up here without you.
how do i get it back?