strew against bathroom floors

5th entry strewn across bathroom floors 12/27/2002 they're naked acting like fools. so drunk and one's puking up blood in the bath tub. it wasn't my idea, they put themselves here and i'm scared as fuck. oh shit she pissed herself. how gross, thats disgusting. you get her underwear, you put some clothes on the other one. this is stupid, you all are stupid. stealing alcohol from the longs, through the snow being dumb. and i'm hot wheeling it to the ER. no i swear doc i only had one drink, you see its not me. see her, yeah the one we struggled to get in clothes- she's sick. "and can you tell me where you're from?" i'm sorry sir, we'd rather not say. these dumb fucks don't know their limit and i somehow just landed up at this house. hey don't sweat, tomorrow this will all be hilarious, a real fucking riot. the question is, can you handle how funny this is gonna turn out? let's i hope. lets get through this night. bacardi 151 strewn across the floor, no sit down you can't have anymore. you see this mess? you pick up this shit and blown chunks that are flung everywhere. next time, when you say you are having a good time, don't ask me to come. i never hang with your crew anyways- this could be, it just might be, why. tahoe..cabin, let's hit the slopes after the new year is rung, but i ain't coming back to your log house in the snow. we got ours, and you definitley ain't coming .
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