get the girl- top 10 ways

Chad's Top 10 ways to Get the Girl. 1.) Shoot giant Teddy Bears out of a cannon at her when she is walking to your house. 2.) Rob a local flower ship and steal her some pretty roses. Then make the old ladies that work there eat the roses. 3.) Bring a video camera to Mardi Gras and pay a drunk, underaged girl to write a love message for your woman on her breats so you can film it. 4.) Kidnap her dog and shave "I love you" into it's fur. 5.) Write a sexy message on her ass backwards when she is sleeping so when she calls you the next day and complains about the message you can say "Ha ha! You look at your own butt in the mirror!." 6.) Sneak into the zoo at night and slip viagra into the panda's food. Then, the next day, take the girl to the zoo to watch the Pandas hump the nuts out of eachother, and say that watching that is getting you in the mood. 7.) Make your woman her favorite dish, then put it on her chair so she sits on it. 8.) Find potato chips that resemble her, then give them to her with a sandwich that smells like her. 9.) Challenge your girl to a game of strip Nintendo. Play against her at your favorite video game and lose on purpose until you're in your underwear. Then play video games half naked like you do every sunday afternoon. Chicks dig that. 10.) Spray paint her name all around town, so when the cops get mad they'll turn to her. Then, bake her a cake when she's in jail. Chicks like it when you bake them things.
Read 11 comments
haha funny entry! hey thx for the note...i need all the luck that i can get
hey i just wanted to say thanks for the comment~ you seem really sweet and nice. thanks again
Those are excellent ways to get a girl chad, i must say. I laughed my ass off, any girl would be after you if you did that to her. Oh but yes chad buddy...ur sucha cool kid, dont change!
dude........ thats so true. i would totally dig a guy who did all that for me. lol.
pure genius.
Everything you learned, you learned from me. -ANDy andy ANDY andy
HAHA! those are great!!! I laughed my ass off....well actually i don't have much of an ass to laugh off but thats beside the point haha! byez!
GENIUS! no wonder i haven't gotten a girlfriend since moving here. i've been going about it all wrong.
oh, wistful sigh... if only i had someone to do leave me off-color reminders of his love... yes, i would gladly play strip nintendo, and relish the opportunity to watch pandas going at it with that special someone. but no. oh well, maybe someday someone will vandalize a town in my name...
dude, that entry was so sweet, holy ass, it brings tears to my eyes... *sigh*
Chad! Oh my gosh that is the sweetest thing! If any guy would ever do such wonderful things for me, I would keep him, those are great ways to show you care, why cant more guys think that way? LoL Anywho whats been up gangsta? Love ya bunches!!!!!!! ~EvE
god...u must be a sweet guy....