Chinese Food

I'm thinking Chinese food today. Styro foam boxes to the brim. YOu'll tell me "I'm the master with chopsticks" But I watch your fingers fumble and the food fall back to the plate. But I didn't see, don't worry I didn't see. If you're worried that I'm not impressed, I'M EASILY AMUSED. It's been a problem since I can remember. But have you ever really looked long and hard at the bugs crawling up the branch, then think "where are they going and what is the point of getting there?" They have no destination, just go when going with the flow is the only way to survive. 'Cause these days people pride themselves on being different. Pink hair, purple toes, and tie dyed hippie shirts across your chest. You will never feel the flow that our Abercrombie and fitch society will set at your feet. Surpassing their path for strange looks on the street. It's such a turn on in your torn up beat down lepeord print converses. while wrists weighed down in bracelets and spikes. You were spit out from the Gap, that is if you ever fell in. "Girl put your free spirit away, no one knows how to handle your style." POint 'n' stare, stare 'n' point.Up the stairs, the stairs, the stares. I love it. Cut up material, cloth sewn to shirts, rip torn you put this on my body. I'm so fucking cool becuase I like to be a poseur for different. .Fuck Me. The Clash, flash back to bedrooms made of dull colors and the smell of things I can't understand. "where are you going? And what is the point of going there?" "I'm in the mood for chinese food."
Read 14 comments
i really like reading your entrys even if I never comment, and by the way... heh thanks for the comment.
Thank you very much, I really like drawing things like that. It gives me something to do in my boring life. Take care!
hehe ... i'm listen' to them rite now! i always have that CD on. :)

yeah ... and it seems like she gave up on me long before i did on her, so its hard to change someones mind when they already have it set.
Hey thanks for the comment i really apprechate it (or how ever you spell it) anyways thanks
hey babe~ i miss ya loads~ hope ur havn a GREAT day.. well morning cuz its 4 in the morning ur time! Talk to u l8r~ luv ya loads

alright then. i like the new pic. ~ash~
heyy i havent updated in so long....i have another gunna post there from now on cuz im gettin a digital camera n can post as many pics as i want on that web site so u kno u kno....check it out....ill talk to u later mann byeeee
You so totally ROCK i love chineese food, but not realy good with chopsticks, but oh well, today i went to the mall with my friend and we had chineese food, OMG i love that stuff its DA BOMB..

p.s. your diary ROCKS!!!
-hugs- thank you and stuff...i have a lot of mixed emotions and i dont know how to handle them...especially after i sit there and read Todds diary about him falling apart before this is all over with...which, makes it out to be my fault and if anything happens to him, id be the one to be blamed. -sigh-
ok, enough with my pathetic life.
i hope you're doing great and stuff -big hugs- take care, hun
wow. i like the new pic.
lol..have u ever heard of a chinese rapper called "tai mai shu" he kicks ass! thanks soo much for the note. i think ur definately awesome too just by saying wat everyone else wants to say but doesnt. thanks again chad, it cheered me up reading ur note =)
Hehehe thanx for the comment well love the diary...well i better jet.

Catch ya later!

Rena xoxo
just sayin hi...where in cali do you live??
Don't now how I got here. Some God guided me to this homepage...