Better than an orgasm

47 Better than an orgasm 3/8/2003 Remember being a kid and having to go pee really really bad? So bad you were dancing around in circles yanking your mom's jacket screaming "MOM I HAVE TO PEE!" And this continued until you were grabbing your crotch and mom was beyond embarrassed because you were in the middle of a restraunt with a bunch of family friends. Or maybe you didn't make it that far, and yes you peed on yourself. You may be lucky, however, if you are still in that diaper stage (or hey you might be a big kid and be in pull ups) - lucky for you. BUt what about us REALLY big kids? A recent study, that SHOCKED adults everywhere. stated that teens make up for 20% of alcohol use in the U.S. today. Yeah but see that really doesn't surprise me considering I see all my friends drunk every weekend anyways. THe point is- awhile back, go back a few monthes before I quit drinking. It was a saturday night out drinking with the buddies. We were at one friends house and I had drank a few too many drinks. Before I EVER had a chance to use the bathroom, we were being herded out the door. I was put in the back of someone's car to be driven somewhere else. Who this random girl was..I do not know. about halfway through the ride I had to take the BIGGEST piss ever. What is a guy to do? "excuse me girl i do not know, I NEED TO PEE or i will BURST all over your car." She laughed.. I WASN'T JOKING THOUGH. Now the beginning stages of having to pee suck, but after awhile IT JUST PLAIN HURTS! When I say hurts I mean MEGA DISCOMFORT. If I didn't pee soon my bladder would EXPLODE and I would exist no more. I'm already a little out of my head, but to add THIS ON...just too much for a simple guy like me to handle. So i try crossing my legs, moving my position in the backseat. Nothing was helping. It didn't help the guy next to me was drinking a BIG GULP and slurping it in my ear. I was contimplating whether I should take the big gulp and dump it on his head so i could piss in the cup, or just shove it up his ass for being annoying. And this OBLIVIOUS girl does not understand the concept of a FULL BLADDER. This puppy was on the verge of busting at the seems, it is no time to joke around and not take me seriously. the reality of it was..I had to pee, and it had to be RIGHT THEN AND THERE. I am 17 years old, I do not think I need to have to face the embarrassment of peeing in my pants, but if this girl did not pull over soon- I would. So finally AFTER SCREAMING in EXCRUCIATING pain... She pulled over. I don't know where we were..some quiet nice neighborhood. I ran to the nearest bush- yes in front of some PERFECT americans white picket fence and PISSED ALL OVER IT. And guess what? IT FELT FUCKING AMAZING! I could actually feel my bladders contents being drained out of me and my bladder going back to its NORMAL size. THis my friends is when peeing can be better than an orgasm.
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