I did not forget paul how could i ever. Its just that mrs. paul mccartney would have me for dinner if i touched her man. yeah thats right. adultery is wrong. ...i'm waiting for the divorce though because who cares if paul is wrinkly he was the best beatle anyway.
hahaha that picture is awesome. :)
hey there. i really like the new setup of your diary. its sick!
once again i hate the word 'perfect' and i like how you said that you're 'perfectly unperfect' it was well put an i don't think i could have said it better
nice new settings!
p.s. how do u put a picture in an entry?
chad i added you to my friends list because you are way super cool and because you always tell me to rock on and that's hot. :)
Love, Laurel
ill be at the bright for sure
love the new look, lover.

hey hottie!! sup? thats a great picture! i like the entry *draft* i need to write more..i mite put some old stuff on here cuz i really dont feel like typin new things up rite now lol... thats me a lazy person 4 ya!!! well im out!! bye sweeti - u rawk my candi coated lips off!*katie*
HAHAHA...aww man thats great