peeing pants to moist boxers n hot girls

Listening to: Get Over It- Ok Go
This is the way it all works. You grow up, things change. When I was a little kid, i was weird. I went through a two week period where I refused to drink out of anything besides a wine glass. I t made me feel cool, it made me feel old. I used to go to restraunts before I learned how to read and pretend to read the menu, I already had it memorized. So then the waiter would ask me what I wanted and I would squint like I was reading the menu and say “hmmm.. looks like I’ll have the corn dog today.” The waiter would smile then walk away. A second later my brother would inform me that the corn dog was on the back of the menu. At I least I tried. Onetime while playing house with my friend Nicole when she lived up the street from me, I decided I was going to play the dad. While getting caught up in my role I thought it would only be appropriate that I shave. I went to the bathroom and grabbed my dad’s razor and eventually cut a huge gash across my cheek. The pain was so intense, I decided I never wanted to shave, well that was then I do now. When you’re younger it just seems so ideal to be old. You can’t do anything when you are younger except play with your toys and look cute. Now at 18 years oId am pushing my bare ass up against the window of a bus to moon on coming traffic. I find myself rubbing and throwing cake into my friends face thinking it is the funniest thing in the world. I find myself holding my sister down on the couch so I can fart on her, the expression her face can make are priceless and worth the bruise she leaves on my arm. We try to grow up so fast, but once you hit some certain point you just don’t want to go any farther, If it was up to me I would stay 18 forever. Maybe at least get to 21, but that’s about as far as I want to go. LIttle kids have no rights, no say. Adults have too much responsibility and can’t act stupid and get away with it. At this age right now I can be immature when needed, but also I can turn a 180 and be serious and have the most meaningful insightful conversations. And you know what? That’s ok. Teenagers these days have so much pressure on them to do their best and to live up to all these societal standards. Let a kid live. They are pushing these children for all the wrong reasons, and now a days you just see so many more of them reaching their breaking point. What good is it if you push a child so much they want to die? Not good if you ask me. Right now I’m still growing up, and god dammit if I want to drink out of a wine glass for the rest of the week I will. Or what’s even better? The superman beer mug Meghan gave me for my 15th birthday. Stay young while you still can, nothing lasts forever and THESE are the TIMES of our lives. So lets ROCK!
Read 8 comments
that is a kick-ass entry! you were the coolest kid ever! little chadwick, drinking out of a wine glass while contemplating the menu... that's fantastic, people. but i don't think it's fair to categorize these as the best times of our lives... every phase of life will have its ups and its downs, but you shouldn't compare, or you'll get stuck. still, live each to the fullest! the world is your wine glass!
hey! you left me a comment a while ago... thanks! umm, i know how you feel bout growing up, im also a little kid trapped in this body (oooo no!). lol. good luck staying young forever! peace out kiddo, lol...
hey thankz for the comment! thats really nice of you! lol!
i dont ever wanna grow up either....18s the perfect age :)
Great entry i must say! i completely agree. btw i love that song also-"get over it!"
you rock. late
WOW what a kick ass entry lol that's some priceless stuff :-D however it makes me feel old lol but hey be young and crazy and have as much fun as possible! :-D latas kid -Me
very well said
I know. damn all this pressure to hell!!! MUAHAHAAAH!