to every girl and to you

Yeah I'm a guy, but I got something to say: Every magazine cover that slowly kills our generation of women and children is degrading to my intelligence as well as to the beautiful people it makes feel less than they really are. This “perfect” image our women are forced to live up to is sickening. You take the most gorgeous wonderful girls in the world and lead them on to believe they are nothing. I wish I could take every 12 year old girl in this world and sit them down and tell them its a lie, don’t give into this corruptive media that has some disillusioned view of the human body. Be you, don’t be some cover girl on a magazine that has to be a size 3 even if it will fucking kill them. All these girls now look into a mirror and see a distorted image, they don’t even see themselves for who they really are, for the incredible people they are. It makes me so damn mad. Are you gonna give in to everything you didn’t want? Darkness comes and it will slowly start to come over you, it will strangle around your head, you body, that perfect little body of yours. And when your done pressing and squeezing out all the ugly that you pretend to see, you will have tired out everything that lies inside of you. And when I think of the life you bring out of me,I start to think of the life you will drain out of me, the life you will start to drain out of yourself. And when the chronic sleeping problems occur, and the bursts of ill temper fall around you, will you notice your persistent anxiety, the skin rashes? THE SPOTS? The malnutrition, the nerve and blood vessel damage to the brain, the high blood pressure, the irregular heart beats, the risk or a stroke or heart failure, the possibility of an overdose? And you think something like that is ok to mess around with? Is death ok to play with? And really when you stop to think, and take time to look at everything around you- GOD DAMMIT LOOK AT ME. Is it worth it? What is more beautiful to you? Yourself now, or the you if you decide to fall into the depths of some substance that is only known to ruin people’s lives? Is the rotting teeth or the hair loss or the rashes or the bags under your eyes or the ability to look 35 when you are just 24 so damn appealing to you? It’s disgusting to me. I don’t support habits of self destruction. And I only say this shit because I care, I only say these things because there is a love inside of me that burns so deeply for you that any thought of something hurting you makes me want to feel pain as well. DON’T YOU UNDERSTAND THAT YOU ARE SO DAMN BEAUTIFUL IT HURTS SOMETIMES TO LOOK AT YOU. GOD I WISH I COULD MAKE YOU SEE WHAT I SEE.
Read 10 comments
that was very powerful, I like what you have to say, and I agree with it totally. No one should hurt themselves just for image reasons. Thank you for your note, although I don't know whether to take it as a compliment anymore, is it good to be "hot" to you?! lol...thanks anyways!! --*Alicia*
Wow...that is an excellent entry. I agree with you totally 100%. Magazines are a load of crap that only make you feel about yourself. Thanks for writing such a cool entry ~ itz good to know someone understands that and cares enough to write about it. Thatz grand! :-) ::hugs::
Good God, that nearly made me cry. I wish every single young woman could read that and listen to you.

You are awesome. To the highest degree.

heyhey chad! do u perchance have aim? cuz if u do we could chat. :-) drop me a line in my diary...let me know. and leave ur sn if u do. haha and yeah, u seem lyk quite a kick ass person yourself!
wow.....thats all i can say........thats some very deep writing chad!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!and its so true...

DUDE! That's like .. WHOA! That's so kewl.. I mean ...DAMN! I have NEVER heard a guy say ANYTHING like that, shit I haven't even heard a girl say anything like that...There are few people like you and y'all will hopefully change society.. Gaw let's hope so... I have really no SPECIFIC words for what you wrote... it was, honestly, touching...BRAVO!! Yer The kewlest! ...hit me back...PEACE
i love you chaddy, i hope you know that.
wow...that is just astonishing to hear a guy say something like that, usually guys are the ones that would want a "perfect girl" or what society sees as perfect...well your entry is very excellent ::claps:: ~Sarah
BEAUTIFUL! couldn't have said it better myself, and its even greater hearing a guy say it. esp. being as they're a big part of why girls freak out about this stuff so much. them and the rest of society and their stupid views on the "perfet girl" blah! this was an AWESOME entry. and i wish too, that some how, every girl could read this, and get this message, cuz it's a great one. thanx. -Me
it's so hard not to buy into it when that's all i can see... i'm surrounded by them at school, and on tv, and in the movies, and in music, and the magazines, and ugh! it makes me feel like no one will ever want me if i don't look like that. i am a size 4 and i hate myself. but then, i'm surrounded by size zeros. it shouldn't be like that, but it is. i didn't have breakfast or lunch today. i hate this... i hate it. ugh.