May Long Weekend

Well, who would have thought. A year ago tonight, I had no piercings and reliably claimed that I had no interest in them. 2 days later, I would have a ring in my lip after a spur of the moment invitation from Kat. Today, I have a stud in my tongue and a barbel in my right nipple. I'm just getting to be the most hardcore kid on the block, now aren't I.

More importantly though, Ashley might be coming down to visit for this long weekend. Wow, didn't see that coming.

A week or so ago, I invited her to move here for the summer to get herself set up... she's been getting really tired of Calgary and its dicked her around so much, I figured I'd offer her a place here. It was even Kat's idea, so I knew she'd be OK with it all. Ash turns it down, and I pretty much give up hope on seeing her in the near future. But then today she suddenly learns of a trip her friend is making down here for the weekend.... and asks if she can come with. We don't know what the answer is yet... her friend said that she'd ask the rest of the trip-goers, and we'll find out tomorrow.

I really hope she comes.

I havn't seen her in 2 years, and I could really use Ash right now. Everything that she is to me would be really helpful. She's someone who will stick beside me and not make me feel inadequate. I miss the way she used to make me feel... and I get the feeling that I'll get some of that back if she comes down. I've spent so much time sitting at this computer while Kat's out having her fling, that I could really use a cuddle. I don't even care if anything comes of it, I mean if I get to spend a sensual night with Ash, I will be elated. But if I don't.... it won't matter all that much. Just spending the nights next to her will make all the nights I spent alone worth it.

I don't want it to sound like I'm objectifying her though, I want to enjoy the time around her because its her, not because I want to even the score with Kat or any childish idea like that.

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