Dawn Breaking

Got a call from the landlord today. Our references checked out, we've officially got the place. I talked to Jackie and, once we figure out when a ride is available, we're going to make an appointment for Friday to sign the lease. It seems that the cogs of success are turning. After so many months of my life turning against me, it seems like things are actually (finally) shifting. We've got enough money to pay the damage deposit and 1st month's rent. We've got the apartment, for sure.

All that I'm waiting on now is information from the college. Just that letter of acceptance. And I'm really not worried about that... the registrar has told me that she's happy to see me come back. Everything should be fine there... even pessimistically I can't see much that could happen to jeopardize my standing as a student.

I'm putting Kat behind me too. Thoughts of her are rarer and rarer, these days. After all the pain she's wrought, I think I'm actually on my feet again. Am I ready to move on and find another lover? I doubt it. I'm not that healed yet. But I'm comfortable being by myself. I don't yearn for her anymore. I no longer wish that things had been different. I'm not occupied with the past any longer.... I'm occupied with the present, and the future. And those things, she has no part in. Or at least very, very little.

In just a few short weeks, I'll be in my own place. I'll once more be an authority in my own house, rather than feeling like an aged teenager while once more living with my mom. I've earned this, I think.

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