The 'other' man

So apparently Brook has a boyfriend. Or not. Its a really confusing situation, apparently.

According to her, she's broken up with him a few times but he hasn't really gotten the message. But she's admitted that she's got the backbone of a bowl of Jell-O and that she probably hasn't been the clearest about their breakup. And she's got a dozen excuses as to why she hasn't made things crystal clear for the man... most of them seem to revolve around the fact that she's worried that if she officially leaves him it will crush him and he won't be able to man up and maintain his military career.

I've told her that as much as I like her and want to come out to visit, I'm not coming out until she's made things clear with this poor guy. I am *not* going to be the 'other' man in this situation. I am not going to be drawn into a pile of relationship drama that I have no part in.

To top it off, this whole thing kinda sets my bullshit detector off. I really am not 100% sure that she's being completely honest... I don't think she's lying, but I'm sensing some conveniently left-out details. Maybe thats just me being a pessimist though.

But this whole thing has made me take stock of everything. As much as her and I really seem to jive well with one another.... this is dangerously close to a dealbreaker for me. For damn good reason, I think.

She's made enough of an impression that I'll see where this goes. Sometimes good people honestly get roped into shitty situations, and not everybody has the heart to crush somebody else's when they're just not happy in the relationship they're in. If she's willing to man up, I'm willing to look past this whole thing.

Its starting to look like I might take Vanessa up on that date after all.... I'm still single and with things heading the direction they are I might as well start looking at playing the field a bit. Nothing wrong with casual dating, hrm?

In other news... the family my 19 year old pregnant sister is marrying into doesn't believe in evolution. I didn't realize that was still a thing outside of the bible belt. I mean we live in Canada for god's sake, we're not a very deeply religious nation. Apparently they've caught wind that I'm a militant atheist and her boyfriend's father wants to show me a documentary about all the holes that these fundies have poked in the theory of evolution. I'm curious to see it, to be honest, and I'll give it as much of a chance as I can. But I really am not sure how to take this. On one side, this is my sister's wedding and I want it to go off without a hitch. On the other side.... pushy religion is an easy way to get under my skin and I'll have a hard time not pushing back if I feel a bit encroached upon.

I might have to put on my fighting trousers, heh.

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maybe that's why she was being distant sexually, because she has another man at home and didn't feel alright to be otherwise.

be careful. i'd say don't always look for the best in people (because it's not always there) but it's something i can admire in others.

so canada, eh? ;)