
I can't remember the exact day. That time was so tumultuous for me that dates didn't matter. But I know that I broke my ankle at the end of April.... so its been a year since then.

Before then, I'd never had such a life shattering event. I was used to being in control of things, and even if i wasn't in control I had at least a clear view of what direction I was going. But once I broke my ankle... everything changed. The life I thought was stable turned on its head and abandoned me, and I spent more time just trying to keep my head above the water rather then see what direction I was going. I had no idea where I was going, and no way of knowing where I'd end up once everything settled down.

Now things have settled though.

I've got a girlfriend, I've focused on school..... I'm looking for a job for the summer while also looking forward to going to Shambhala again.

Doesn't mean its gone from me though. I'm still very much affected by everything going badly...

Gosh, I felt like I had more to write when I sat down, but I guess I don't. Its just worthg sitting down and looking back though.

Its been one hell of a year.

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