
Ugh. I don't know whats going on with my body. Every time I eat, I feel sick. Earlier this week I puked a bunch, but I figured that the stomach bug went away. Guess not. I hope I'm feeling better by Shambhala.

Strangely enough, I've been missing Jackie lately. Not in the romanic sense, but in like the company sense. Ever since Rustic, I've just generally enjoyed being around her. Good conversationalist, she is.... thats one of things both of us really enjoyed about our relationship.... there was always plenty of worthwhile conversation.

In other news, the money from Demitri's child tax backpay still isn't in yet. And it needs to be. My mom needs cash from me for the summer... my school fees need to be paid. My credit card is bitching at me. I pawned my guitar a few weeks back, and I need to get that back. In general, lots of things need to get done with that money. Every day without it makes my life much more difficult.

I expected this entry to be longer, but I'm pretty much out of things to say.

Guess I'll be on later with more to say, I'd imagine.

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