Sets my mind on fire

Its strange for me not to be able to trust my instincts. I find myself constantly emotionally second-guessing myself and my motivations. Am I interested in other women because I'm lonely? Because I'm trying to replace Kat? Because I'm bored? Because I genuinely want a companion? When I look at a woman and contemplate flirting and such, my mind inevitably wonders what kind of partner they'd be. This is not a new trait born of some sick loneliness, its something I've always had.... curiousity has inspired many more flirtations of mine than simple attraction. But anyways, back on point. I find myself wondering if I'm interested in these specific women that I've had in my mind as possibilities that I might attempt to pursue out of genuine attraction to them, or if I'd just fall for whichever girl batted her eyelashes at me. Do I want one of these girls to become my lover, or do I just want a lover who might just happen to be one of these girls? The reason I ask is because the former is a healthy point of view I imagine, whereas the latter might be me simply being lonely and still looking for a rebound.

When do I know when I'm healthy again? When do I know that my desire to find somebody stems from genuine desire for them, and not just to fill a void left by someone else? The easy answers are "when you stop thinking about that somebody else" and "when you're OK being by yourself", right? But thats where I catch myself. I never catch myself consciously missing Kat, and rarely do I think of her anymore; but yet she showed up in my dreams last night... telling me that she was sorry and that she loved me and that she'd made a terrible mistake but that we could rebuild things. I know none of that is true though... I know that even if she did come to me with those words, it can never be rebuilt. But the very fact of the dream makes me wonder if maybe I'm not nearly as healthy as I continually think.

I'm usually a very self aware person, and thats why I get caught in this trap. I'm used to thinking about myself, and analyzing myself, and making sure I'm acting in a rational way. But at times like this when the truth is most likely outside of my reach and (like all things in love) the answer will only come when I stop looking for it. That doesn't stop me from chasing it though.

Dinner with Holly hasn't happened yet.... probably some time this next week before thanksgiving. I'm sure I'll have lots to post after that, and much more to think about.

In the meantime, I'd love to know what people think of my circumstances. I know of a few people who read this and maybe I'm being a bit narcissistic in assuming there's silent ones who don't comment, but regardless... I wonder how much clearer things might be to people whose minds don't have memories of a crazy redhead fogging up their judgement.

Read 4 comments
Its called FAITH, Mr. Cragstan. If you've ever heard of that. Scary as hell, but it usually works out.
Maybe you're onto something wednesday. I'll see how life treats me if I just turn off my analytical POV for a bit. Might do me some good after all.

And thistle... thats kinda what I was scared of. I wish there was some way I could know before I get myself into something that I might not be able to handle. I guess that feeds into wednesday's comment though.... I should just go for it, eyes wide shut, and let life occur without thinking too much about it.
i guess you'll never really know the right time until you're already in the middle of it.

trust your instincts. they're usually good for something.
The silent ones from deep in the dark with only our eyes watching, some who can't comment merely cuz they are in the same/similar situation as you and can't help themselves anymore than you can. Others remain in silence to watch your journey of finding out for yourself. And then there's some, like me, who think you just think WAY to much, analytically anyway. I feel you over analyze everything to the point you dont know reality anymore. Just live in the moment, live in the now, don't worry about the future just yet, don't set a permanent path for life just yet cuz you clearly dont know what you want. You don't need a girl to complete yourself. You need to complete yourself and THEN add a girl. Simply live life and enjoy it.