more riting!

Feeling: bleh
god this music is depressing, and horribly meaningful dammit. westlife hav ruined it bugger them. english was ok actually, we got 2 play wiv laptops hehe. and then we just watched a video of someone hu wanted it 2 rain (?) in geography. iv finished all my belgian chocolate :( i was thinking erlia, as u do @ bus stops, how much of my opinions of things depend on addiction. 4 example, i wouldnt b pissed off if i found that my friend had smoked a fag, but i would b if i found out they wer addicted, and the same with drugs, SH/SI. hmmm, not very interesting thought processes, cos they kinda stopped there, cept i thought of examples n stuff. maybe im just tryin 2 get myself out of being hypocritical, but hey, twas just a thought. :s my mother just came in n sed she was gettin worried bout the fact that i always minimize t screen wen she comes in :s o wel. oh yeh, iv just discovered that none of u can c my diary like i can, cos im using a different font that ive downloaded from t net. tis called evanescent n is t evanescence font if ur remotely interested. just 2 let u no, tis alot cooler wiv t rite font. i dont no wot 2 say tumtetumtetum. please comment cos im bored n tisnt nice ewn no1 comments cos u havent ritten nefin interestin l8rz susie xHUGx
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